Quran Chapter 2-
113 (Pt-1, Stg-1) (L-139) - درس قرآن
Establishing separate religious groups
Surah ‘Al-Baqarah (The Cow) – Chapter – 2)
In the name of God, the Beneficent,
the Merciful
وَقَالَتِ ٱلْيَهُودُ لَيْسَتِ ٱلنَّصَٰرَىٰ عَلَىٰ شَىْءٍ وَقَالَتِٱلنَّصَٰرَىٰ لَيْسَتِ ٱلْيَهُودُ عَلَىٰ شَىْءٍ وَهُمْ يَتْلُونَ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ كَذَٰلِكَ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ مِثْلَ قَوْلِهِمْ فَٱللَّهُ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَهُمْ يَوْمَ ٱلْقِيَٰمَةِفِيمَا كَانُوا۟ فِيهِ يَخْتَلِفُونَ (113
113. And the Jews say the Christians follow nothing
(true), and the Christians say the Jews follow nothing (true); yet both are
readers of the Scripture. Even thus speak those who know not. Allah will
judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they
113. Wa qaalatil-Yahuudu laysatin-Nasaaraa
‘alaa shay’; wa qaalatin-Nasaaraa laysatil-Yahuudu ‘alaa
shay-inw, wa hum yatluunal-Kitaab. Kazaa-lika qaalal-laziina laa
ya’-la-muuna misla qawlihim. FAllaahu Yahkumu
baynahum Yawmal-Qiyaamati fii-maa kaanuu fiihi yakhtalifuun.
laa ya’-la-muuna – (who know
not, illiterate, uneducated, ignorant) here ‘ilm
means “knowledge about Heavenly Books, and the persons, who do not have the
knowledge, signify towards the Idolaters and followers of every that religion,
which has no base on any Heavenly Scripture.
Baynahum – (between
them) it aims “the two groups out of them: one is of the Believers and the
other is of the Idolaters and Infidels.
The entire people of the Scripture are
involved in forming religious groups instead of following the real teachings
and truth, bestowed by Allah Almighty. Each group out of them claims that she
is on the straight path and the other all groups have gone astray from the
actual way, for instance; while the Children of Israel saw that the Christians
call the Prophet Jesus Christ (peace be upon Him) as son of God Almighty (I
seek refuge in ALLAH), then they began to say them Infidels. And when the
Christians saw that the Children of Israel have become Disbelievers
of the Prophet Jesus Christ (peace be upon Him), they began to say them
Infidels, although, these both groups recite the Scripture bestowed by God
The same condition is of those people who
have not any Heavenly Scripture but they have created themselves such faiths
that they consider themselves on the straight path and other all the religious
groups have gone astray from the right path. The Idolaters of the Arabia and
other Infidels are included in these people.
The Holy Qur’an commanded
that forming of the religious groups is totally useless. The real thing is to obey
the Commands of Allah Almighty and
to do
good works. That person will be on the straight path, who acts upon
these two principles.
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