Quran Chapter 2-19b (Pt-1 Stg-1)(L–37)-درس قرآن
Hypocrites are
Surah ‘Al-‘Baqarah (The Cow) – Chapter – 2)
In the name of Allah, the
Beneficent, the Merciful
وَٱللَّهُ مُحِيطٌۢ بِٱلْكَٰفِرِينَ (19
19b. And Allah encompasseth the
disbelievers (in His guidance).
19b. Wallaahu
Muhiitun – (Encompassed,
circumscribed). This word has been derived from ‘ahaatah, which
means “to surround an object”. Here it means that God has circumscribed the
Infidels from every aspect with His Knowledge, His Nature and His Divinity.
As the both kinds of
Hypocrites have been discussed earlier, who are:
- Those people who are big enemies of
Islam spiritually but apparently they say themselves ‘believers’ and claim
that they are patrons of the Muslims.
- The people who are naturally weak by
temperament, cowardice and low-courageous. They accept the impression of
that assembly which they attend. If they sit with Muslims, listen to their
preaching and invitation, look their dignity and success, then being
terrified they enter into Islam. But when they face any trial or
difficulty, then they return towards the infidelity. They are afraid of
hardship and death.
It has been described
at the end of this verse that Allah Almighty has however encompassed these
Hypocrites, they run away from Islam only for the sake of saving themselves
from difficulties and death. But God Almighty has full power and dignity over
them. So how can they protect themselves from the death? Islam claims from them
that they should give up carnal pleasures and false desires. They should offer
their wealth and lives in the path of God, and bear difficulties and calamities.
They do not want to
hear the verses of Agony and God’s wrath. And they go away being very
inattentively but cannot be saved from the grip of God. Trying to protect
themselves from the Hold of Omnipotent is proof of only ignorance and
stupidity. God Almighty gives them only delay and produces the opportunities to
understand. When their respite will end, then no power of the world and any of
their best friends will be able to save them from the fury of God. He knows
their all activities including the secrets, which they have hidden in their
hearts and He encompasses them having Omnipotence. He has power to give them
any punishment, any time as He desire.
As the rain contains
lightening, glaze and thunder-bolt, like this hardness, labor, poverty and
difficulties can be in Islam for trial, but as its resultant, there is success
in the both worlds i.e. this life and on the Day of Resurrection. So mankind
should not run away from Islam due to fear of these temporary calamities.
Moreover, he should stand firm on it. If a mankind wishes to run away from the
calamities, he cannot be saved.
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