Sunday, February 9, 2020

Qur’an is the Final Command of Allah - Quran Chapter 7 – 38b & 39 (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-950) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 7 – 38b & 39 (Pt-8, Stg-2) (L-950) - درس قرآن

Qur’an is the Final Command of Allah

Chapter ‘Al-‘A’raaf (The Heights) – Surah – 7)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
Brothers and sisters! The Revelations of the Word of God Almighty are before you. Behold and hearken that; what are saying its verses? This is the time with us to think about them. There is no doubt that this respite will be put to end and the eyes will be closed after death from this side, but will be opened from the other side. Then you will come to know that, that was entirely true, which was commanded by Holy Qur’an. Moreover, opening the eyes at that time will not be useful. You can gain your end only in such condition, if you open your eyes just now.

Which sketch has been drawn in these verses about the consequence of the disobedient people, certainly that is sufficient for trembling of the heart with fear. Those people, who are eager to fulfill their desires in this world and do not wish to remain behind from anyone else in pleasantness of life, for them, the truth has been manifested in the previous Section of this Chapter.

They have been told that all things of the world have been created for comfort of the human beings. But you must learn the method “how to use them”. Entire Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (peace be upon Them), who used to come in this world from time to time, it was their duty that they would have to teach their folks about the way of using these things and reaping advantage from them, because one very dangerous enemy of theirs (Satan) is pursuing them. His only job is to misguide the people from that path, for which – Messengers of God Almighty (peace be upon Them) used to teach them “how to reap advantage from the worldly things”. The Devil tries his best to mislead the mankind and drown their raft.

He misguides the people as: You have power of choice and strength, and luxurious things are before you. Alas! If you do not depend solely on your own will or discretion and give up relishes of the world unnecessarily, fearing from the notional things. He says: How a great foolish are you! Who has seen the Heaven and the Hell? As desire of unseen things is useless, in the same way, fearing from them is useless too. What such happened with you that by leaving the cash, you suffer from hardship and undergo great labor for abstinence?

Holy Qur’an explains that you should reap advantage from the pure and clean things of the world with moderation. Be saved from open and hidden lewdness, wicked deeds, evils, sins, tyrannizing anyone unjustly, obeying Satan by leaving Allah Almighty and having wrong concept about God. These matters are forbidden for you.

Allah Almighty has commanded you by means of His Scripture and Messengers (peace be upon Them) only for it that you should acquire gain from lawful things with moderation and escape from the forbidden. If you will not act upon it today and you are died, then you should bear in mind that entire evil days will fall upon disbelievers.

Angels (peace be upon Them) of Allah Almighty will come before them. They will drag the souls from their bodies and say: Tell now! Why did you not obey the Messengers (peace be upon Them)? Where are your protecting friends like Satan and His disciples, whom did you use to obey? Call upon them to save you from this misfortune in which you have fallen now.

They will see hither and thither hopelessly and nothing will come out from their mouth except it that: Ah! There is no sign of them. You must conjecture about that answer at the spot, which is full of hidden hopelessness and loneliness. We should ask earnestly just now from Allah Almighty with hundreds of humility that: Our Lord! Save us from such misfortune. Along with this prayer, we should devise strongly too that we shall live in the world according to that, which is written in the last Word of Allah Almighty (Holy Qur’an – which is a summary of all previous Scriptures) and which has been commanded by His last Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him).

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

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